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Pacific Tree Frog

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Pacific Treefrog (Pseudacris regilla)  (formerly Hyla regilla)
Also known as the Chorus Frog
Species code: PSRE

What they look like: Pacific Treefrogs, are small amphibians with a dark "mask" or stripe along its eyes. They can be different colors including shades of green, tan, reddish, grey, brown or black. Individuals can even change colors!

Pacific Tree Frog

The underside (belly) is whitish or cream with yellow on the legs. Their legs are long and slender. Their toes have round pads, which help the frog grip and climb, and there is very little webbing between the toes. They have smooth skin.

They are small frogs, up to 5 centimeters long. Females are slightly larger than males, a feature common to many frogs.

Where they live: The Pacific Treefrog ranges from British Columbia, Canada to the tip of Baja California, México and eastward to Montana and Nevada.

The Pacific Treefrog is the most common and widespread frog in Washington State. It can be found in almost any habitat where there are suitable breeding waters which are usually small ponds.

Click the map for information about the habitat and range of the Pacific Treefrog in California.

What they eat: The Pacific Treefrog eats a wide variety of insects. Predators of Pacific Treefrogs around ponds include diving beetles, giant water bugs, bluegill sunfish, and garter snakes.

Pacific Tree Frog

Reproduction: The Pacific Treefrog breeds from November to July in a wide array of habitats including marshes, ponds, lakes, ditches, and slow-moving streams.

Behavior: The sticky pads on their toes allow these little frogs to climb around on plants. Although they are good climbers, they usually stay close to the ground.

"One of the most fascinating characteristics of this little frog is its ability to change color. Unlike chameleons, which change their color to match their surroundings, the Pacific Treefrog changes color based on the air temperature and humidity. The frogs don't control this change - it just happens naturally within a few minutes.

The distinctive call of this frog is known around the world - the "ribbit" that Hollywood uses in all of its films as the "standard" frog call is actually the call of the Pacific Treefrog! These frogs are also called the "Chorus Frog" due to their ability to sound like a chorus, including distinct mating choruses.
Watch a video clip of a Pacific Treefrog calling »

Despite the name treefrog, this species is predominantly terrestrial (lives on the ground).

Did you know?

  • The Pacific Treefrog is the state frog of Washington State.
  • The Pacfic Treefrog is smaller in size than a chicken egg and may be shades or green or brown.
  • The Pacific Treefrog can change color rapidly from light to dark.
  • A group of frogs is called an army.

More Information:
Pacific Treefrog Fact Sheet - B.C. Frogwatch Program

Pacific Treefrog Natural History - with photos, audio and video clips

Creature Feature: The Pacific Treefrog - National Parks Traveler

Pacific Treefrog - Identification Guide

Animal silhouettes available to purchase »

Photo Credit: WDFW; Chris Brown

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