Integrating Science State Standards for Learnings
with The NatureMapping Program


1.1 Use properties to identify, describe, and categorize substances,materials, and objects. Use physical properties such as size, shape, and color to identify wildlife.
Sort, order. and classify wildlife by physical characteristics such as size, shape, and color.
1.2 Identify, describe,and categorize living things based on their characteristics. Identify the principle characteristics that distinguish living from non-living things, such as growth, response to stimuli, need for water, air, and nutrients. Identify the physical characteristics that are used to classify the wildlife obseved in NatureMapping activities into distinct taxonomic groups.
1.3 Measure properties and characteristics. Measure the physical properties of appropriate wildlife and habitats identified in The NatureMapping Program using available insttruments such as rulers, thermometers, and tape measures. Use appropriate tools and units to make measurements needed for scientific investigations, such as bird, egg, and nest sizes. Use appropriate tools, units, and procedures to obtain accurate quantitative information related to mapping units and polygons in NatureMapping.
Use basic time units such as minutes, hours, and days for collecting and reporting purposes. Estimate measurements of species that are seen from a distance. Measure canopy coverage for shrubs and trees. Make measurements of objects that are not directly accessible by using specialized measuing instruments and techniques, such as a clinometer and canopy densiometer.
Identify and correct sources of error in measurement.
1.4 Recognize the components, structure, and organization of systems and the interconnections within and among them. Describe a suitable habitat for species of wildlife documented through The NatureMapping Program. Describe how populations in an ecosystem, or habitat observed in NatureMapping, tend to achieve a balance through specialized roles, such as their methods of gathering food or protecting the young. Recognize and document the habitats of species being observed through NatureMapping activities, explain how the populations interact with each other and their environment to maintain a balanced ecosystem.
Know that all life must reproduce to continue.
Know that physical and behavioral traits are passed from parents to their offspring.
Know that genetic traits determine the species of an organism. Explain how characteristics of organisms are determined genetically and influenced environmentally. Recognize that each organism observed through NatureMapping is genetically unique and adapted to its environment.
Recoginize that fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived long ago. Use field guides to understand biological evolution and the diversity of species. Understand how the theory of biological evolution accounts for the similarities and differences among living things and provides a scientific explanation for the fossil record.
Observe and record in field notes weather phenomena that may affect wildlife observations, including temperature, clouds, and precipitation.
1.5 Understand that interactions within and among systems cause changes in matter and energy. Know that the sun provides the energy used and needed by the earth's plants and animals. Explain the relationships among the energy from the sun, photosynthesis, and energy needs of observed wildlife species.
Recognize that all organisms, including humans, cause changes in the environment:look for signs of this at NatureMapping sites. Explain how physical, chemical, biological, and human-related factors have affected the environments of NatureMapping sampling sites. Understand how the equilibrium of biological systems can be altered by small and large changes; look for evidence of these in NatureMapping habitats.
Explain how many species have become extinct because their adaptive features were insufficient to allow survival when the environment changed. Understand why many species are threatened or endangered because of changes occurring in their natural habitats.
1.6 Construct and use models to predict, test, and understand scientific phenomena. GAP analysis is based on predictive models of wildlife locations; NatureMapping can be used to examine the validity of those models. Use NatureMapping strategies to examine the validity of GAP analysis models.
Describe how a wildlife or habitat model is similar to or different from the observed object or system. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of models used during NatureMapping activities. Identify limitations of specific conceptual and physical models.
Use models to understand wildlife habitats and the systems that compose them. Use a model of a physical or biological system to make predicitions about the system's behavior.
2.1 Plan and implement scientific investigations. Make simple, accurate observations of wildlife through The NatureMapping Program. Distinquish between an observation and an inference. Draw inferences about wildlife and their habitat based on observations.
Ask questions and make predictions about wildlife and their habitat based on experience..identify environmental conditions that should be considered, such as time of year. Formulate testable hypotheses and use them to guide NatureMapping sample site selection, stating pertinent information about species and their environments. Formulate testable hypotheses and use them to guide NatureMapping sampling and resource requirements.
Use tools, technologies, and information to conduct simple NatureMapping investigations. Select appropriate tools, methods, resource requirements, and safety considerations to be used in an investigation. Select appropriate tools, methods, resources, and safety issues and identify the sequential steps to be followed in a NatureMapping investigation.
Plan and conduct a simple experiment indiviually or with others to answer a question raised by NatureMapping Analyze the experimental design, resolve any problems and conduct a controlled experiment individually and/or with others. Analyze and refine the experimental design, and conduct an experiment controlling appropriate variables indiviually and/or with others.
Use data from NatureMapping to construct logical explanations about wildlife and their habitat. Use evidence from NatureMapping to develop descriptions, explanations, and predicitions about wildliffe and their habitat. Formulate and revise scientific explantations and models using logic and evidence.
Accurately report observations and results of NatureMapping activities. Communicate accurately the approach, method, results, and conclusions when reporting NatureMapping data. Communicate accurately the approach, method, results, and conclusions when reporting NatureMapping data so that the information can be understood, verified, and applied.
Follow safety rules during investigations. Identify and practice safe procedures in investigations. Know and use safe approaches in investigations.
2.2 Think logically, analytically, and creatively. Based on information in field guides and other resources, make logical conclusions about the presence or absence of a species in the location to be sampled. When data collected during NatureMapping does not meet expectations, analyze the reasons that might contribute to the discrepancy. Use analytical thinking to examine the question from different points of would NatureMapping data benefit a scientist, homeowner, city planner?
Compare, order, and categorize scientific information obtained during the NatureMapping process. Draw inferences and recognize relationships using scientific knowledge. Use scientific knowledge to compare, order, and categorize in complex situations.
2.3 Practice the principles of scientific inquiry. Record data accurately, including species, time, and location. Record and report data accurately, including species, time, and location. Record, report, and display wildlife data accurately for both research and educational purposes.
Identify what is already known about a science existing biodiversity data before beginning NatureMapping. Analyze existing biodiversity data to determine what is as yet unknown and unanswered..lack of information in certain geographical areas, or about certain species. Analyze existing biodiversity status to determine what is as yet unknown and propose strategies to learn more.
Recognize how experimental bias can affect scientific results; current lack of data results from focus on endangered species. Recognize in what ways faulty procedures can affect the results of scientific inquiry.
Recognize that knowledge can result from expected and unexpected outcomes. Recognize useful information can result from both successful and unsuccessful scientific investigations.
Make continued attempts and consider using alternative strategies to derive a scientific explanation. Pursue scientific inquiry by continually evalutating investigative strategies and modifying them appropriately..if afternoon sightings were low. try mornings.
2.4 Understand the relationship between evidence and scientific explanation. Distinguish between questions which can be answered using science and those which cannot. Understand that science is limited to investigating the natural world. Understand factors that may limit the extent of NatureMapping investigation, such as geographic boundaries, incomplete or inconsistent information.
Know that ideas in science change as new scientific evidence arises..NatureMapping evidence could change local habitat and species lists. Understand that terms which describe various types of scientific explanation are supported by evidence, but are subject to change if new evidence arises, including wildlife sightings by NatureMapping. Understand that scientific principles, theories, and laws are logically consistent, abide by rules of evidence, are open to question and modification, are based on historical and current scientific knowledge, and are invented by acts of imagination, intelligence, and logic through scientific investigation.
3.1 Identify problems and challenges in which science knowledge and skills can be applied. Recognize situations in which repeated data collection efforts by NatureMappers can help to answer a scientific question. Identify a challenge or problem of interest to students which lends itself to being resolved through the application fo science/technology.
4.1 Use listening, observing, and reading skills to obtain scientific information. Read and comprehend appropriate science information, such as field guides, maps, and other NatureMapping resources. Read and comprehend science ideas and procedures from a variety of sources, such as field guides, maps, and the internet. Read, comprehend, and critique scientific information from popular, academic, technical, and telecommunication sources.
4.2 Use writing and speaking skills to organize and express science ideas. Become familiar with everyday science terms such as data, geography, environment, topography, habitat, and species. Plan and write a science report that uses effective logic and supportive data from NatureMapping investigations. Produce science reports and explanations that are coherent, logical , and scientifically accurate based on obtained NatureMapping data.
4.3 Use effective communication strategies and tools to prepare and present science information. Use available computer programs, including NatureMapping software and database programs to prepare a report. Prepare science reports using available computer technology, including current NatureMapping software and database programs. Produce products using standard and advanced software such as spreadsheets, databases, and geographic information systems.
Operate developmentally appropriate science software program. Operate science software programs and utilize available technology equipment to gather NatureMapping data. Use availabe science software programs and computer equipment to access wildlife information.
Plan and present science information using strategies such as verbal and written explanations, pictures of wildlife, lists, graphs, and data tables created based on NatureMapping data. Select and use appropriate strategies to clearly present NatureMapping information. Select and use appropriate science data and strategies to effectively present a clear and persuasive position to an audience.
5.1 Use mathematics to enhance scientific understanding. Collect and organize numerical data from NatureMapping observations. Identify mathematical relationships among the data collected from NatureMapping activities. Use probability and statistical methods to analyze, evaluate and make decisions about results from NatureMapping activities..20 species in one day vs. 2 species another day.
Use estimation skills and judgments to make predictions about what wildlife will occur in a particular habitat type. Use estimation and statistical methods to predict, describe, and analyze results of a scienctific investigation.
Use numbers, shapes, symbols, maps, and graphs to describe situations in the physical world. Represent and describe situations and relationships with words, numbers, symbols, graphs, tables, and maps.
5.4 Examine the relationships among science, society, and the workplace. Describe how science and technology information can influence individual decisions. Examine how scientific and technological information is used to inform public debate. Explain why science and technology alone cannot resolve local, national, and international challenges.
Describe how the scientific enterprise is influenced by societal, environmental, economic, polititcal, and ethical consideration.

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