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Field Guide References for Terrestrial Plants

Online Guides

Plants of Washington WTU Image Collection - Burke Museum
Photographs, distribution maps, and descriptions for over 2,000 of Washington's 3,200 vascular plant species.


Anderson, B., and A. Holmgren. 1985. Mountain Plants of Northwestern Utah. Utah State University. Logan: Utah.

Boren, M.D. and R.R. Boren. 1989. Mountain Wildflowers of Idaho. Sawtooth Publ. Boise: Idaho.

Hitchcock, C.L. and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. Univ. Wash. Press. Seattle: Washington.

Horn, E.L. 1972. Wildflowers 1: The Cascades. Touchstone Press. Beaverton: Oregon.

Moore, M. 1993. Medicinal Plants of the Pacific Northwest. R.E.D. Crane Books: Sante Fe. 359p.

Patterson, P.A., K.E. Neiman, and J.R. Tonn. 1985. Field Guide to Forest Plants of Northern Idaho. U.S. Forest Service Intermountain Research Station. Ogden: Utah.

Peck, M.E. 1941. A Manual of Higher Plants of Oregon. Binford and Mort. Portland: Oregon.

Spellenberg, R. 1979. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers, Western Region. Alfred A. Knopf. New York: New York.

Sudworth, G.B. 1967. Forest Trees of the Pacific Slope. Dover Publications. New York.

Taylor, R.J. 1990. Northwest Weeds. Mountain Press Pub. Co. Missoula, Montana.

Taylor, R.L. 1977. Vascular Plants of British Columbia. Univ. of British Columbia. Vancouver: British Columbia.

Turner, M. and P. Gustafson 2006. Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press. Portland: Oregon.

Underhill, J.E. 1981. Roadside Wildflowers of the Northwest. Hancock House. Blaine: Washington.

Whitson, T.D. et al. 1991. Weeds of the West. University of Wyoming. Laramie: Wyoming.

Wiedemann, A.M., J.D. La Rea and F.H. Smith. 1974. Plants of the Oregon Coastal Dunes. Oregon State University Bookstore, Inc., Corvalis, Oregon.